Mobile App Development

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Mobile Application Development

More business functionality on every device.

Mobile applications are a fresh way to bring complex business functions, comprehensive customer service, and brand-new tools right to your customers’ fingertips. An application program—or “app” for short—allows you to deliver certain tools or services directly to customers, allowing them to interact with your business at the touch of a button. Apps deliver a massive range of functions and come in many different forms, including word processors (like Microsoft Word), social networking (like Facebook and Twitter apps), travel (like the AA Route Planner or Google Maps), games (like Angry Birds), entertainment (like Amazon Kindle, Spotify, and Apple Music), and productivity (like Dropbox and Evernote), and more. The right type of app for your business will depend on the service you provide—and the kind of value your customers are looking for in your app.

Custom Software Solutions has a tried-and-true process for custom application development. Our app developers will work with you on the initial brainstorming, including gathering business requirements, conducting competitive research, gathering requirements and business rules, and identifying best practices. Once you are comfortable with the high-level proposal for the app, we will get to work creating a wireframe for the app, designing system architecture, developing mockups of the user experience (UX), and creating individual elements of the app.

The app development process includes both front-end development—i.e. developing the parts of the app that the customer will see—and back-end development, which ensures the pieces work together behind the scenes to deliver an optimal experience to each user. Our back-end developers will work to develop the necessary architecture, implement quality control mechanisms, and develop necessary API components; our front-end developers will make sure both sides of the app work seamlessly together to deliver the right information at the right time.

Custom Software Solutions is committed to the success of your app from the brainstorming stage all the way through live troubleshooting. We will work with you to coordinate a successful deployment, including backup procedures and app store requirements. Once the app is live, we can help you monitor server use and overall performance, allowing us to troubleshoot as necessary and implement bug fixes. Whether you are redesigning an existing app or looking to build an app from scratch, contact Custom Software Solutions today to get started.


Interactive App Design

A mobile app allows you to reach your customers in a new and interactive way. Our designers will create a beautiful mobile app design for eCommerce, entertainment, networking, or another custom purpose based on your business model.

Offline Availability

Provide value to your customers - even without an internet connection. Depending on your business goals, CSS can work with you to develop an app that works offline, allowing your customers to get important information or interact with your brand while offline.

Customer Targeting

We will work with you to understand your target market and your goals. Once we have a joint strategy, we will work to market your app to your target audience, allowing you to reach customers with a high probability of using your business.

Up-to-Date Tools & Features

Keep your mobile app up-to-date with ongoing support and maintenance with ongoing support and maintenance from CSS. We can back up your data, repair corrupted data, and deploy fixes and patches to ensure it works perfectly every time.

Improved Customer Experience

Wow your customers with a unique app that showcases the best features of your business. A simple-to-use and well-designed app will simplify customer interactions and allow them to navigate product options with ease.

Expert Consulting

CSS will help you develop a strategic game plan that fits your business and your objectives. Our business analysts bring their experience and expertise to find the ideal, cost-effective solution for your business.